Write and backup SD cards for your Raspberry Pi

1 minute read

For my demos I use a Raspberry Pi with a SenseHAT attached to it. Every time a new update of the software becomes available, I want to make a backup of my Raspberry Pi SD card before I install the latest and greatest.

With Etcher from Balena it is only possible to write images to a SD card, not making an Image of the SD card. Yes you can do it with DiskUtility from Apple, but recently I found an interesting tool that can do both writing and make backups of SD cards. On top of that, it has the option to compress the images what saves a ton of space on you harddrive. It is called ApplePi-Baker by Hans Luijten . Usage is simple:

  1. Put your SD card in your card-reader and attach it to your Mac
  2. Fire up the app, enter your password to allow it to make changes
  3. Choose what you want to do: Backup or Restore

To download the latest version: click here.